Tuesday 6 October 2009

Biological Warfare Israeli style

Well there was an unexpected event in the night, it pissed it down, the roof sleepers in the flat were scurrying for cover as the heavens opened but I remained tucked up oblivious to it all. Up at 5.30 to travel again to Sarrah for another day of picking. The weather was cloudy and cool for a change as we made our way through the village down the track to the trees which is about 1 mile away, I have done some bloody walking the last couple of weeks!

Anyway we waited for the farmers to show up and as there had been the late changes last night things were a tad confused! Eventually a family from the nearby village of Tell arrived and asked if we would join them in an area next to the road just opposite from the settlement. The family consited of Dad, Mum, Son and Sister in Law and we happily agreed to go with them.

Just as we were setting up a kerfuffle stirred through the Palestinians as a wild boar charged through what remained of the undergrowth, not towards us but about 20 ft away. I can tell you they are fearsome buggers with a head like toilet cistern with tusks! I didnt really have time to react because it was so quick but the Palestinians tols us later that a guy had been killed by one last year and that they had been introduced by the Israelis to try to put off Palestinians from working their land, I dont know if this is true but if it is it is another example of the total occupation of the Palestinian lands. The picking was quite today and when we finished we went back to the families house and as all Palestinians have been there were so warm, friendly and generous. We had coffee and the fruit off the cactus growing in their garden, and amazing experience and no hassle from settlers or army which is also amazing! long may it continue but experience of the long term ISMers is that this will change as the DCO dates get changed.

Tomorrow I have to go the British Embassy in Jerusalem to try and sort the visas of the 8 Nablus firefighters who are coming to the UK on the 23rd, time is getting on and their visas still havent been processed so off I am popping to see whoever and try and get them asap!

I am really knackered tonight, a combination of early starts, manual labour, although D1 and me have tried to get a clipboard and cap to make us look like overseers, and plenty of exercise, no booze and healthy food, I have even started eating bloody sunflower seeds!

I think an early night is on the cards and on this note I will sign off for now.....tata


  1. your just on a holiday paid for by us. so your going to help sort out a visa but other than that this has nothing to do with union work international or local. is any one interested that you are eating more healthy food. if you wanted a teenagers "gap year" you should of taken one. at your own expense.

  2. Thanks for the comment,it was only a matter of time before a comment like this appeared and I will answer the points raised by this. I am glad that you say it is a holiday because I have taken my own leave to do this so I suppose it is a holiday, paid for by you? Maybe if you are in the political fund and in the South West then yes you have contributed to this but if neither of the above apply then you haven't. This blog is designed to inform not only anyone who has an interest but also as a way of informing my friend and family, so if you this part is not of interest then fair enough but there isn't just you reading this.

    I am not sure how much you know about the FBUs work both in and out of Palestine but there is more on the website, sure you know the address,you may then see how this fits in with "union" work. Cheers

  3. Love the description of the wild boar and you used my favourite word in the whole world - kerfuffle!!!! Must remember to use it more in conversation. Keep smiling x

  4. Thanks Ems, I am trying mate! x

  5. Im glad you have the blog Dad because it lets me know that you're well and safe! I enjoy reading and learning about what you've been doing and have all my friends reading along too!

    I love you and am very proud of you!
    Keep safe!
    p.s. Mel says hi :)


  6. Ah Elz, thanks darling, I love you too darling be home in a couple of weeks xx
