Sunday 4 October 2009

Nablus Fire Station revisited

Time has a different meaning in Palestine than back home. An example of which happened this morning, we were supposed to meet our Nablus contact at 9..45 to tour round the villages to assess the situation and need for ISMers to attend with harvesting which meant that although we were there our contact didnt pitch up until 11, inshalla! This meant that as I wanted to go to the Fire Station and has arranged to meet Shams there before he went off duty, I couldnt be sure we would be back from the villages so we consensually agreed that I would go off to the station and the other 3 would do the villages.

Off I trotted through the increasing heat and found the station about 500M from our apartment, result! I met Shams and the other firefighters who I last saw 5 years ao and some new recruits there. It was great and I was made to feel extremeley welcome as always, questions were asked about John McGhee, Kev Brown, Dave Chapell and Ken Ross as they have all visited in the last two years and about the training to carried out in the UK at then end of the month for 8 firefighters for 4 weeks. This has been organised by the 4 people mentioned previously and a massive thanks for this. The nablus firefighters are very excited though my description of Scotland and the north of England weather wise in November had them mentally changing their packing details, more hats, more gloves and more jumpers!

The station has been extended since my last visit with new offices adjacent to the main building but the generosity of the people here hasnt. This is the first time in Europe for these guys and all down to the FBU who have organised what looks like a superb programme of professional development and political and social events which really is the FBU at its best.

I am going back there later for a meal and to spend time with comrades and friends as I may be heading back down to Hebron later in the week as we have no ISMers there at the moment due to having no accomodation, but once that is sorted ISM will be back in Hebron just as the Golani (IOF equivalent of the Paras or Bootnecks) start a tour down south which will make for interesting times!

I now need to get some washing done (by hand!!!!!) as my pants....well you dont need to know really!

Have fun in windswept UK.....tata


  1. Really enjoying your updates John, keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks Kev, I havent heard anything like your stuff, I may show the firefighters a vid or two but it may get lost in translation! Cheers medears!

  3. John

    Keeping a close eye on ya comrade


  4. Hiya Hun - I know you apologised for not being a journo at the beginning but I dont think you should be so hard on yourself. Its been a really interesting read so far and more polite than you are sometimes in person! Ian and I are thinking about you ( but not in a weird way!). HH xxx

  5. Go ed Drakey, keep your head down and your spirits up, fantastic stuff and I know you and the comrades there will make a big impact and difference. Hopefully here too when you get back to tell our comrades your accounts.

  6. keep up the good work big man. telling all my friends to get tuned into your blogs. The firefighters who are over in Scotland for their training are also coming to the women's STUC Conference so looking forward to meeting them then. The weather will be freezing but the Scottish hospitality will be very warm.
    Take care of yourself
    Denise x

  7. Hi JD - So good to talk to you on Friday. Keep up the blogs, they are really working to keep us informed.
    Take care dear friend

  8. Les, Den and Kez, thanks for your comments, it really is appreciated. I am back in 9 days and looking forward to seeing you all for a catch up!

    La Luce Continua

  9. Johnny Boy!

    Hope you didn't get to watch yesterday! Glad you are having such a fantastic experience. Take Care Kazx
